Endodontic treatment is the treatment of root canals. This treatment is needed when inflammation reaches the soft tissue (pulp) inside the root canal. The aim is to eliminate the micro-organisms in the root canals and protect the tooth from infection.
Endodontic treatment is most often needed when patients dismiss a dental problem at its onset and only visit the dentist after experiencing severe pain. Symptoms of a damaged pulp include: sensitivity of the teeth to hot/cold stimuli, discolouration of the teeth and swollen gums.
Root canal treatment usually requires several visits to the dentist. The length of treatment depends on the complexity of the situation. After a thorough dental examination, the root canal is cleaned mechanically and chemically and then sealed. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia, so there is no pain. OksDenta doctors aim to preserve the anatomical structure of the root canal as much as possible and to heal the root canal to a high standard, preventing complications.
Stages of root canal treatment
The clinic’s experienced doctors strive for long-lasting results. Successful endodontic treatment is ensured by the microscope used in the OksDenta clinic, which makes root canal treatment extremely precise and safe. The high-resolution microscope allows the doctor to see and assess what cannot be seen with the naked eye, so that the canals are treated to a high standard and complications are prevented.