
A dental implant replaces the root of a tooth and is used to attach a natural-looking dental crown that performs its function perfectly.
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About Implants

Implants are the most advanced way to get your teeth back. A dental implant replaces the root of the tooth and is fitted with a natural-looking dental crown that performs its function perfectly. Quality dental implants have been helping people who have lost their teeth to regain their lost smile and chewing function for many years around the world.

The method and number of implants are chosen according to the clinical situation and the needs of the patient. When teeth are lost, negative processes occur in the body that make treatment more complex, time-consuming and costly. Don’t wait and consult an experienced OksDenta doctor for the best way to restore your teeth.

What happens when teeth are not restored?

  • Bone numbness. The jawbone begins to dissolve in the place of the lost teeth without sufficient load.
  • Displaced teeth. After losing support, nearby teeth start to move towards the empty space.
  • Appearance changes. Dissolving bone and lost teeth lead to negative changes in appearance. Wrinkles deepen, lips narrow, cheeks sag, chin moves forward. The person looks much older.
  • Health problems. Indigestion may occur as a result of poorly digested food. In addition, tooth loss leads to food restriction, which prevents the body from getting all the nutrients it needs.
  • Poor chewing function. Difficulty in chewing, forced to choose only soft foods.
  • Difficulty in speaking. Difficulty in pronouncing certain sounds, the person starts to wheeze.
  • Low self-esteem. There is a high level of self-distrust, a reluctance to be around people and a feeling of inferiority.

Dental implant methods

Restoration of one tooth. One implant is threaded in just 30 minutes. The implant heals in 4 to 12 weeks, and then a dental crown made of metal or metal-free ceramic can be attached. In some cases, a single-moment implant can also be used. This is a rapid implantation method where an implant is threaded and the artificial tooth is fixed in the same procedure.

Stages of a single-moment dental implant

Restoration of multiple teeth. When multiple teeth are lost side by side, there is no need to thread a separate implant for each lost tooth. Two implants can be threaded in and a multiple-tooth replacement structure can be attached to them.

Restoration of all teeth. One of the most popular methods of restoring edentulous jaws is restoring teeth with only four implants. A non-removable prosthesis mounted on just four implants. This method often avoids the bone grafting procedure, as the implants are threaded where the bone is. By threading more implants (6-8), patients are able to enjoy teeth that are designed by nature.

Removable Prosthetics or implants?

The advantage of dental implants over removable Prosthetics is clear. Implants not only allow you to have non-removable teeth, they also protect the bone from melting. Removable Prosthetics tend to be the choice of patients who are looking for the most cost-effective solution to restore their teeth. At OksDenta, we can offer our patients another cost-effective but much more comfortable way to restore their teeth – the locator system. This is the attachment of a traditional removable denture on two implants threaded into the lower jaw. It is a removable denture, but its function is significantly improved: it does not wobble in the mouth, holds firmly, chewing function is restored, and it is comfortable to speak.

Bone augmentation

Bone augmentation is a bone growing operation performed after the bone has deteriorated. Bone volume is added before (or during) the dental implant procedure. Bone augmentation returns facial proportions and allows for a safe, high-quality dental implant procedure.



ServicePrice, €
Implant Strauman (Switzerland)700
Osstem implant (P.Korea)600
Implant JD Dental (Italy)500
Healing head50-70
Maxillary sinus lift surgery860 - 1000
Closed maxillary sinus lift250
Alveolar bone reconstruction (RKR)300 - 580
Placement of artificial bone after tooth extraction60 - 100
Lateral bone restoration during implant placement60 - 200


Dental implants – tips and procedure

A tooth implant is a replacement for the root of a tooth. It is made from…

Frequently asked questions

We recommend making an appointment as far in advance as possible to ensure we can properly plan the necessary treatment. Please note that visiting the dentist at least twice a year for preventive check-ups and professional oral hygiene is highly recommended.

The cost depends on the condition of your teeth and the treatment plan created by the doctor during your first visit. For your convenience, we also offer the option to pay for dental treatment services in installments.

Yes, dental treatment is possible during pregnancy. It is best to schedule procedures during the second trimester, as it is the safest period. Be sure to inform the dentist about your pregnancy so they can choose the most appropriate treatment methods.

The doctors in our clinic are highly professional and experienced. They use the latest techniques and provide guarantees for the dental work they perform.

If you experience a toothache, don’t delay—consult a dentist as soon as possible. Prompt treatment can save the tooth and reduce the risk of complications.

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