
Here you will find the prices for our main services. The exact cost of treatment can only be determined during an individual consultation, based on your needs and treatment plan. We invite you to visit our specialists!

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Price list

ServicePrice, €
Implant Strauman (Switzerland)700
Osstem implant (P.Korea)600
Implant JD Dental (Italy)500
Healing head50-70
Maxillary sinus lift surgery860 - 1000
Closed maxillary sinus lift250
Alveolar bone reconstruction (RKR)300 - 580
Placement of artificial bone after tooth extraction60 - 100
Lateral bone restoration during implant placement60 - 200
ServicePrice, €
General dental consultation25
Specialist consultation30
Re-consultationfree of charge
Preventive check-up20
Dental digital X-ray5-10
Panoramic digital X-ray (2D)20
Computed tomography (3D)70
Light-curing filling of medium caries55-70
Deep caries cavity filling with light-curing filling70-120
Aesthetic filling100-150
Glass ionomer filling30-50
Medical treatment of deep caries30-40
Medicated pulp devitalisation20
Crown restoration using a single root glass fibre pinfrom 45
Internal (dead tooth) bleaching15
Coferdam system10
Temporary filling10-20
Dental bonding with fibreglass strip (3 teeth)60
Polishing of aesthetic filling20
Removal of filling10
Biodentin treatment50
ServicePrice, €
Professional oral hygiene59
Teeth whitening with caps (home whitening kit with caps, 2 whitening syringes)150
Laser teeth whitening180
Laser teeth whitening + (whitening caps + numbing agent + 2 whitening syringes)330
Teeth whitening cap (2 pieces)60
Anti-bruxism cap70-100
Whitening gel syringe15
ICON one tooth40-50
Dental jewellery40
Fixed prosthesesPrice, €
Metal linernuo 50-100
Ceramic liner220
Ceramic cover150
Metal-ceramic crown350-550
Metal-free ceramic crown500-800
Metal-free ceramic veneer500-800
Metal-ceramic crown on implant450-650
Zirconia ceramic crown on implant600-1000
Prostheses on 4 implantsnuo 2400
Permanent plastic crown100
Temporary crown40-60
Temporary crown on implant200
Rebasing of temporary crown20
Unfixed prosthesesPrice, €
Removable single jaw plate335
Elastic plate (Valplast)400
Thermoplastic arch550
Arch-supporting prosthesis650
Plate prosthesis on two implants1000-1400
Prosthesis on 4-6 implants2600-3000
Temporary aesthetic plate200
Plate repair (fracture only)60
Plate repair60 + 3
Other prosthetics worksPrice, €
Imprint alginate10
Silicone imprint15
Individual spoon30
Diagnostic models (2 units)10
Tooth waxing20
Polishing of the metal crown (after removal of the stamped crown)20
Removing a stamped crown20-30
Difficult crown removal50
Removing the rain crown20-30
Crown, liner cementation40
Removal of crown and bridgenuo 30
Single jaw scan100
ServicePrice, €
Deep curettage (1 tooth)35
Gingivectomy (1 tooth)20 - 30
Flap surgery (1 tooth)50
Clinical crown lengthening70
Lip and tongue surgery60 - 90
Restoration of gingival recession with own tissuesfrom 220
Plastic surgery of the oral vestibulefrom 150
Restoration of bone defect with synthetic bone (1 tooth)from 150
Interdental reconstruction45 - 60
Gingival pocket irrigationfrom 60
Root apex resection15
Curettage of one jaw tooth200
Creation of fixed gums with own tissues200-260
ServicePrice, €
Tooth extraction depending on complexity50 - 90
Operative tooth extraction120
Complicated tooth extraction150
Incision (abscess opening)30
Cyst removal surgery (without artificial bone)150
Specialist consultation30
ServicePrice, €
Injecting the medicine into the canal10
Microscope work20
Endodontist consultation (15 minutes)30
Primary root canal treatment
Canal passage to a working length50
Canal shaping50
Canal filling with hot gutta-percha50
Root canal retreatment, complex primary root canal treatment
Canal passage to working lengthsupnuo 50
Canal shaping40
Canal filling with hot gutta-percha40
Removal of foreign body from the canalfrom 50
Removal of glass fibre plug from the canalfrom 40
Removal of cult linerfrom 60
Canal sealing with MTA / use of biodentin50
Preparation of the canal space for the pin / revision of the tooth root30
Application of cofferdam (isolation system)10
ServicePrice, €
Orthodontist consultation35
Impressions of both jaws, making diagnostic models50
Treatment plan (Cephalometric analysis, orthopanthogram evaluation, analysis of models) and presentation50
Metal ligature brace system for one jaw700
Placement of a metal bracket system (single jaw)770
Application of the ceramic ligature brace system (one jaw - 6 teeth)900
Activation or replacement of one arch of the braces system30-60
New metal ligature braces70
Re-insertion of a fallen bracket20
Replacement of a new metal bracket30
Occlusal height increase with helium filling (single tooth)10
Buckle on retinated canine50
Elastic chain20
NiTi spring20
NiTi spring for opening the gaps20
Orthodontic ring50
Separation per tooth5
Orthodontic treatment with caps3000-4500
Elastics (one pack)5
Removal of braces from one jaw35
Single jaw retention appliance100
Single jaw retention wire90
Removal of braces with retention appliances450
Post-removal visit30
Orthodontic apparatusPrice, €
External stretching apparatus170-190
Orthodontic plate250-300
Activation of orthodontic plaque 1 jaw30
Functional Forcus appliance400
Rapid expansion machine350-400
Twin unit (functional apparatus)350-400
Herbst apparatus800
Activation of Herbst apparatus20
Decoction of Herbst40
Application of the tongue/palate arch without rings170
Cap (mouth guard)100
Place-holding loop90-120
Multi-FA functional apparatus300
ServicePrice, €
Sealing of tooth furrows with silants15-20
Filling of milk tooth caries50-60
Devitalization of a milk tooth20-30
Temporary seal10-20
Milk tooth extraction20-40
Getting your child used to dental procedures (30 min.)20