Invisible dental straightening caps

Now you can straighten your teeth in a particularly comfortable and aesthetic way - with invisible caps. It's even easier to have straight teeth and a correct bite.
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About invisible dental straightening caps

Now you can straighten your teeth in a particularly comfortable and aesthetic way – with invisible caps. Invisible caps are a removable orthodontic technique for straightening your teeth and correcting your bite. This modern treatment is distinguished by the fact that the caps are made of a thin and transparent material, so that nobody even notices them.

Who can straighten teeth with a cap?

Patients of any age with permanent teeth can straighten their teeth with caps. Capping is suitable for almost all cases: it straightens crowded teeth, eliminates gaps between teeth and solves bite problems. The caps should be worn for 20-22 hours a day.

How does it work?

First, a highly accurate, digital treatment plan is drawn up. It estimates how long the treatment will take and how many pairs of caps will be needed. The caps need to be replaced in turn, approximately every two weeks or as prescribed by the doctor. Thanks to the caps, the teeth gradually begin to move into the correct position until the smile looks perfect.

  1. Diagnostic tests
  2. A digital treatment plan is drawn up
  3. Caps are made
  4. Caps are replaced independently in sequence
  5. Perfect results are achieved

Differences between braces and caps

Invisible capsBraces
Comfortable dental care+-
Less frequent visits to the dentist+-
No discomfort++
More accurate treatment planning+-



PaslaugaKaina, €
Gydytojo ortodonto konsultacija35
Abiejų žandikaulių antspaudai, diagnostinių modelių pagaminimas50
Gydymo planas (Cefalometrinė analizė, ortopantogramos įvertinimas,
modelių analizė) ir jo pristatymas
Metalinių ligatūrinių breketų sistema vienam žandikauliui700
Beligatūrinių metalinių breketų sistemos uždėjimas (vieno žandikaulio)770
Keraminių ligatūrinių breketų sistemos uždėjimas
(vieno žandikaulio - 6 dantų)
Breketų sistemos vieno lanko aktyvacija ar pakeitimas30-60
Naujas metalinis beligatūrinis breketas70
Nukritusio breketo pakartotinis uždėjimas20
Naujo metalinio breketo uždėjimas30
Okliuzinio aukščio pakėlimas helio plomba (vieno danties)10
Sagutė ant retinuotos ilties50
3D skenavimas100
Elastinė grandelė20
NiTi spyruoklė20
NiTi spyruoklė tarpams atidaryti20
Ortodontinis žiedas50
Separacija vienam dančiui5
Ortodontinis gydymas kapomis3000-4500
Elastikų (vienas pakelis)5
Vieno žandikaulio breketų nuėmimas35
Vieno žandikaulio retencinis aparatas100
Vieno žandikaulio retencinė viela90
Breketų nuėmimas su retenciniais aparatais450
Apsilankymas po breketų nuėmimo30
Ortodontiniai aparataiKaina, €
Išorinio tempimo aparatas170-190
Ortodontinė plokštelė250-300
Ortodontinės plokštelės 1 žandikaulio aktyvacija30
Funkcinis Forcus aparatas400
Greito plėtimo aparatas350-400
Twin blokas (funkcinis aparatas)350-400
Herbsto aparatas800
Herbsto aparato aktyvacija20
Herbsto nuėmimas40
Liežuvinio/gomurinio lanko pritaikymas be žiedų170
Vietą užlaikanti kilpelė90-120
Funkcinis aparatas „Multi-FA"300

Frequently asked questions

We recommend making an appointment as far in advance as possible to ensure we can properly plan the necessary treatment. Please note that visiting the dentist at least twice a year for preventive check-ups and professional oral hygiene is highly recommended.

The cost depends on the condition of your teeth and the treatment plan created by the doctor during your first visit. For your convenience, we also offer the option to pay for dental treatment services in installments.

Yes, dental treatment is possible during pregnancy. It is best to schedule procedures during the second trimester, as it is the safest period. Be sure to inform the dentist about your pregnancy so they can choose the most appropriate treatment methods.

The doctors in our clinic are highly professional and experienced. They use the latest techniques and provide guarantees for the dental work they perform.

If you experience a toothache, don’t delay—consult a dentist as soon as possible. Prompt treatment can save the tooth and reduce the risk of complications.

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