Currently on parental leave
- endodontics
- secondary endodontics
- No. OPL-05368 (issued on 2018-07-04)
- No. OPL-05834 (issued on 2021-07-19)
- In 2021, completed residency studies in endodontology and obtained the qualification of an endodontologist;
- In 2018, completed studies in the field of dentistry and obtained a dentist qualification.
Qualification Development:
- 2022: “Endodontic Retreatment – Modern Solutions for Common Endodontic Complications,” Vilnius, Lithuania
- 2021: International conference “EndoBaltic 2021”
- 2021: Penn Endo Global Symposium
- 2021: Seminar “The Role of Fiber Post in Post-Endodontic Treatment”
- 2021: International conference “World Endodontic Summit 2021”
- 2021 POP Talk Seminar “#Retreatments #Ultrasound”
- 2021: Seminar “Management of Iatrogenic Accidents in Retreatment”
- 2021: Online lecture “Treatment Protocol for Traumatized Permanent Teeth in Children”
- 2021: Conference “Sofos Symposium”
- 2020: POP Talk Seminar “#AccessCavity #Shaping #Restore”
- 2020: Theoretical-practical course “Bypass Like a Boss”
- 2020: Seminar “Achieve Predictable Shaping Using Only Mechanical Instrumentation”
- 2020: Seminar “From Dentistry to Microdentistry”
- 2020: International conference “Roots Summit Online”
- 2020: Seminar “Tips & Tricks in Warm Vertical Condensation”
- 2020: Seminar “Endodontic Retreatment – The Use of Anatomically Driven Ni-Ti Files”
- 2020: International conference “The First Excellence in Endodontics Online Conference 2020”
- 2020: Theoretical-practical seminar “Instrumentation of Highly Curved Root Canals – Mission Possible”
- 2019: International conference “Endodontics 2019” and presentation
- 2018: Practical course “Importance and Possibilities of Root Canal Filling and Adhesive Tooth Restoration with a Microscope”
- 2018: EIT Health Summit 2018, presentation, Łódź, Poland
- 2018: International practical conference “EndoBaltic 2018”
- 2018: Theoretical seminar “Endodontics – From Differential Diagnostics to Various Treatment Methods”
- 2018: Innovation Lab “Smart-up Lab” and presentation
- 2018: Conference “News and Solutions in Dentistry”
- 2018: Scientific-practical conference “Current Issues in Dentistry – 2018”
- 2018: “International Health Sciences Conference” and presentation
- 2018: Innovative Invention Event “Technorama 2018” and presentation
- 2017: International practical conference “EndoBaltic 2017”
- 2017: Seminar “Recreating Natural Morphology: Master Course on Direct Anterior Restorations”
- 2017: International conference “Endo-, Perio-, Resto Solutions for Daily Practice”
- 2017: Theoretical training “The ABCs of Endodontics – From Access Opening to Canal Filling: Everything a Dentist Needs to Know”
- 2017: International congress “Society and Dentistry: Challenges and Solutions” and presentation
- 2017: Practical workshop “Placement of Temporary Splints in Dental Trauma Treatment”
- 2017: “Young Scientists and Researchers Conference” and presentation
- 2016: Practical workshop “Suturing School”
- 2016: International practical conference “EndoBaltic 2016”
- 2016: Scientific conference “The Latest Knowledge for Daily Practice”
- 2016: International congress “Harmony Between Oral Health and Quality of Life”
- 2016: “Young Scientists and Researchers Conference” and presentation
- 2015: Conference “Progress in Dentistry – Toward Perfection”
- 2021: Article “Clinical Aspects of Endodontic Microsurgery – Case Report with 16 Months Follow-up” Journal of Contemporary Medicine and Dentistry, vol. 9, no. 1
- 2021: Article “Pulp Vitality Testing with a Developed Universal Pulse Oximeter Probe Holder” Medicina 2021, 57, 101
- 2019: Presentation “Assessment of Tooth Pulp Vitality” at the international conference “Endodontics 2019”
- 2018: Presentation “Pulse Oximeter in Dental Practice” at EIT Health Summit 2018, Łódź, Poland
- 2018: Presentation “Pulse Oximeter in Dental Practice” at the innovation lab “Smart-up Lab”
- 2018: Master’s Thesis “Invention and Application of a Pulse Oximeter Probe Holder for Evaluating Tooth Pulp Vitality in Different Pulp Conditions: A Clinical In Vivo Study”
- 2018: Thesis “Comparison Between Dentists and 5th Year Students’ Knowledge About Irrigation Protocol and Intracanal Dressing”; LSMU SMD International Health Sciences Conference, Thesis Book 2018
- 2018: Thesis “Comparison Between Oxygen Saturation in Dental Pulp and Blood”; LSMU SMD International Health Sciences Conference, Thesis Book 2018. Awarded a monetary prize by the Dental Science Support Foundation
- 2018: Presentation “Pulse Oximeter Probe Holder for Dental Use” at the innovative inventions event “Technorama 2018.” Awarded a monetary prize by Practica Capital
- 2018: Article “Quality of Life in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders. A Systematic Review”; Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 20: 3–9
- 2018: Article “In Vitro Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Different Organic Solvents in Gutta-percha Removal”; Journal of Contemporary Medicine and Dentistry, Vol. 6, No. 1
- 2017: Presentation “Comparison of Gutta-percha Removal from Root Canals Using Different Solvents” at the international congress “Society and Dentistry: Challenges and Solutions”
- 2017: Thesis “Comparative Literature Analysis of Early and Late Complications in Facial Trauma Treatment Using Titanium and Resorbable Plates”; LSMU SMD Young Scientists and Researchers Conference, Thesis Book 2017
- 2017: Thesis “Comparison of Gutta-percha Removal from Root Canals Using Different Solvents”; LSMU SMD Young Scientists and Researchers Conference, Thesis Book 2017. Awarded 3rd place in the plenary session
- 2016: Thesis “The Impact of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders on Quality of Life: A Systematic Review”; LSMU SMD Young Scientists and Researchers Conference, Thesis Book 2016