Children’s oral hygiene and dental care

Proper oral hygiene and dental care for children helps little ones avoid tooth decay and other dental problems. Children’s dental care and the development of good habits should be given sufficient attention from the very first teeth.

Children’s teeth should be started to be looked after as soon as they break through. At first, you can use a piece of clean cotton wool moistened with warm boiled water, then a special brush for babies, which parents put on their finger. On average, up to seven or eight years, before the child knows how to write written letters, the teeth must be brushed by the parents, because by this time the child is not yet able to make accurate movements and qualitatively clean his teeth. If the child is at increased risk of caries, parents should also help the older child to brush their teeth. When a child is tempted to brush his teeth correctly, it is already possible to give a soft toothbrush and let him brush his teeth on his own. Brushing your teeth should be done 2 times a day, morning and evening. It is recommended to use children’s toothpaste with fluoride, which increases the resistance of tooth enamel and helps keep the teeth healthy. Also, it should not be forgotten that the condition of children’s teeth is also very much influenced by the child’s diet.

What are silants and what are they used for?

Silants are a remedy for the prevention of tooth decay, which prevents bacteria and carbohydrates from destroying tooth enamel.

The tooth is cleaned and coated with a protective agent that has a dual effect: it prevents food debris and soft plaque from entering the chewing surface of the tooth, and strengthens the tooth enamel by containing fluoride and continuously releasing it into the tooth.

It is possible to cover your teeth with silants for children from 5-6 years old, after the first permanent tooth has erupted up to 15 years, until the bite completely changes to permanent.

Silant does not have a binding system, so he gradually degreases. Most often it persists for about 2 years. If necessary, the silant can be replaced, but it is most effective and recommended to do this as soon as the permanent teeth have erupted, since only the erupted teeth are poorly mineralized and protection is necessary for them.

How to preserve healthy teeth in a child?

Treatment of milk teeth is necessary and must be done without waiting for them to begin to ache. Caries of a milk tooth can become not only the cause of pain or swelling, but the apical abscesses formed on the roots of the milk tooth can damage the rudiment of a permanent tooth, so it is especially important to treat the teeth in a timely manner.

A very important role in going to the dentist is played by parents. It is necessary to explain to the child how important the care, preventive examination and treatment of the oral cavity is. In no case should you scare the child with a dentist, name a visit to him as punishment or when the child hears to speak, how scary it is to the dentist and how you yourself are afraid.

Nowadays, the treatment is painless, so it will definitely not cause bad emotions in the little one and will not leave unpleasant memories. Children’s teeth are treated taking into account the psychological preparation of the child for dental treatment. Great attention is paid to children who are afraid of dental treatment. Experienced specialists with specific knowledge and communication skills with children, thanks to various methodologies, are able to overcome the fear of the majority of children, dispel their anxiety and reach a cooperation agreement, communicating with the child, telling what will be done next.

How to preserve healthy teeth in a child?

  • Brush your teeth for your child up to seven to eight years old.
  • Use children’s toothpaste with fluoride and a soft toothbrush.
  • Follow a good diet (get your child used to healthy snacks).
  • Regularly visit the dentist.

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